Dont mind this at all. I just dump everything my brain thinks of.

stoicism's portrayal in media and why it isnt healthy stoicism

stoicism's portrayal in media today wrongly associates the philosphy with emotional supression and naiveity or otherwise showing only a partial understanding of stoicism itself. In reality, stoicism teaches us to acknowledge our emotions without being controlled by them, and emphasizes rational thinking rather than being naive or apathetic. It promotes resilience when faced with change and distress, and acceptance. but by misrepresenting stoicism, society undermines its potential as an approach to life's challenges.


what is passive suicidal ideation?

passive suicidal ideation refers to thoughts or feelings about death or dying without an active intention or plan to take one's own life. This type of suicidal ideation can have an significant impact on your mental health, it can erode your sense of purpose, your self esteem, and your will to live. It burdens you with the sense of alienation and isolation. people struggling with passive suicidal ideation may feel as no one understands them or be able to help them. passive suicidal ideation, if left unadressed, can progress to more active thoughts/ideations of suicidal behaviour.